Must do better
The Nanny State Index for 2023 is out.
I’m delighted to see Ireland up there in sixth place way ahead of the UK and our other immediate neighbours. The UK is positively Nirvana compared to us.
We are a credible third worst place for smokers and the fourth worst for drinkers and eaters. I am so proud.
The one thing that lets us down is the e-cigarette score, but that was set before yesterday’s announcement which should add considerably to our nannying score. Tough shit, e-smokers.
Naturally with all this nannying we must be one of the healthiest places around? It is, when all is said and done, for our own sake and for the sake of our health.and to protect us from ourselves. It is baffling then that there are waiting lists to see a doctor and overcrowded hospitals. Where are all these unhealthy people coming from? Are they all secret drinkers and closet smokers? It doesn’t make sense.
They published the latest census figures yesterday and amongst all the other facts and figures there is the startling announcement that we feel less healthy. On the other hand we are living longer so I can only assume that the extra years that have been added to our lifespan are miserable ones?
Maybe pensioners should be encouraged to smoke and drink more?
Nirvana is over rated BTW.
I was there a while back [with the help of a particularly good batch of Skunk] and it didn’t seem too bad?
The analysis section on the Nanny State web-site is worth a look It plots Nanny State scores for the various factors against life expectancy. Spoiler alert: there is no correlation.
Of course there isn’t.
Nirvana is over rated. Just ask Kurt. Oh. We can’t.
Everybody smokes.
Beer, no problem just do not become a nuisance.
Does a shisha count as vaping?
I am calling bullshite.
As Ben Dhonau above pointed out, look at the graphs. They scream bullshit!